
A Pendular Drawing Machine

Concave is a generative drawing machine that harnesses the inherent randomness found in nature. A ball perpetually swings within a bowl, swaying in a pendulous motion while marking its path with ink. Challenging perceptions of machines and precise control, the piece aims to highlight the universal noise of probability and a resolution of physics beyond human mastery.

At its core, Concave embodies the concept of emergence, where patterns arise from the interplay of opposing forces. In this case, gravity pulls in while electromagnetism pushes out, creating a delicate equilibrium. This balancing act is captured through the deposition of ink droplets at set intervals, facilitated by an overhung dispensing mechanism in wireless communication with the main board. Over a typical runtime of 10 hours, Concave autonomously produces intricate layered drawings, serving as a visual representation of probability unfolding over time.

@ Timeless Curiosities
February – August 2024
Istanbul Museum of Modern Art / Istanbul


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