Hack The Light Up

A Light Hackaton on Torre Glòries

This project was conceived as a part of Llum Barcelona Light Festival 2018; a product of individual work at the “Hack The Light Up” hackaton organized by ProtoPixel. The participants of the hackaton were given the opportunity to present a 1 minute animation on the façade of Barcelona’s iconic Torre Glòries (f.k.a. Torre Agbar), created in less than 24 hours using creative technologies and coding.

The initial concept of my intervention was to recreate the “Strong Man” carnival game interactively projected to an urban scale which invoke participation and collaboration in public. Due to then current technical limitations of the façade, the option of a live performance was omitted. Thus the final projection stream was recorded by imitating user interaction with a piezo sensor measuring impact forces.

@ Llum Festival ’18
February 2018
‘Hack The Light Up’ Hackaton
by ProtoPixel
Torre Glòries / Barcelona


Photos – Antimo Farina
Videos – ProtoPixel


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