
A Kinesthetic Sonic Interaction

Located within an industrial zone in central Izmir, Daragac serves as a vibrant hub for artistic expression, fostering a sense of community and collaboration across diverse disciplines. Echoing this perspective is Instrooment, an immersive installation that transforms space into a dynamic participant, inviting visitors to engage with movement and sound. Kinesthetics and technology converge to elevate spatial awareness through sonic feedback, encouraging a shared exploration and interaction within the environment.

Created in partnership with musician Niko Doğu, Instrooment utilizes technology to create a responsive spatial experience. Employing modded microwave sensors and a 2D array of ultrasonic sensors, a bespoke algorithm detects and interprets various modes of movement as audio, enhancing the interactive dialogue between individuals and their surroundings.




@ Rotasyon
September – October 2022
Darağaç / Izmir


Niko Doğu


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